fimmtudagur, október 27, 2005

"I quickly try to decide..."

Sigurvegarinn er fundinn! Leitið ekki lengra. Jafn verstu textar dægurlagasögunnar eru fundnir og þeir eru hjá iðnaðarpoppurunum í Chicago. Ef einhver veit um verri texta að jafnaði hjá einni sveit sem komist hefur út úr bílskúrnum þá látið mig endilega vita.
En ég legg fyrir réttinn eftirfarandi sönnunargögn máli mínu til stuðnings.

Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?

As I was walking down the street one day
A man came up to me and asked me what the time was that was
on my watch, yeah
And I said
Does anybody really know what time it is
I don't
Does anybody really care
If so I can't imagine why
about time
We've all got time enough to cry
Oh no, no

When I kiss you, I feel a thousand different feelings.
I'm covered with chills all over my body.
And while I feel them, I quickly try to decide which one
I should try to put into words, oh no,
Try to put into words.
Mostly I'm silent.


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